Vol. 5, No. 1, December 2003


Call for Papers and Reviewers for special issue of Childhood: A Global Journal of Child Research (Sage). "Children and Global, Commercial Culture." Dan Cook. University of Illinois, Guest Editor. Special emphasis on non-Western childhoods. Deadline: April 15, 2004. For full Call for Papers either contact Dan Cook directly at dtcook@uiuc.edu, or locate his page on the departmental website (where there is a link).

Lehman Conference on Hip-Hop The Bronx is widely recognized as being the birthplace of a cultural form, which has become global in scale. This conference, planned for Lehman College in Bronx, NY, will allow for an interdisciplinary and sociocultural examination of hip-hop, and will provide an opportunity for extensive dialogue between theorists and practitioners. In addition, the conference will highlight the role of the Bronx and its people in the development of this cultural practice. Conference proposed date to be announced. .

Panel Themes (proposed) include: the history of hip-hop; race, class, gender and hip-hop; visual representation of black women in rap videos; queer rappers performing straightness; global hip-hop; commercialization/commodification; ownership and cultural consumption of hip-hop. Contact Tom Conroy, Sociology-Lehman College. .

In collaboration with LSU faculty, Drs.. Leonard Moore and Louis Harrison Jr. and the Robeson Center at Michigan, the symposium "Race, Sport & Hip Hop in the New Millennium" will be available on video this fall and winter terms. There were six papers/research presentations. Costs will be $75.00 for institutions and $50.00 for individuals. .

Also, "Behind the Scenes: Jewish American and African-American Mobility Patterns in Sport" will be available this winter term. The documentary is approximately 30 minutes. Due to the copyright process, no sales at this point or free distribution. Contact Carlton Keith Harrison if interested. .

Stay Free! is an independent magazine focused on American media and consumer culture. Published just over once a year, it is sold in stores across the US and Canada. Or available by subscription from 390 Butler Street, Brooklyn NY 11217.

Contexts Magazine: The American Sociological Association has recently launched Contexts, a newmagazine under the leadership of Claude S. Fischer, Professor of Sociology at University of California at Berkeley The magazine is soliciting contributions for feature articles. Though Contexts is peer-reviewed, it operates like a magazine. Rather than reviewing full-length academic articles, the magazine solicits short proposals for review before asking authors to write full-length feature pieces. If you are interested in contributing a feature article to the magazine, please take a look at the guidelines for submission. .
Graduate student editors write "Discoveries," which are short summaries of just published or about-to-be published sociological work so if you have an article that you think might be a candidate for a Discovery, please contact Nalinia Kotamrju Contexts also presents original, provocative photographs and illustrations that enhance understanding of social life.

Syllabi and Teaching Resources for Teaching the Sociology of Consumption Compiled and Edited by: George Ritzer, University of Maryland; Todd Stillman, University of Maryland; Meghan E. Rich, American Sociological Association .

A brand new set of teaching materials related to consumers, commodities, and consumption, which includes an essay on teaching about consumption by George Ritzer, 21 syllabi from the most prominent scholars in the field, assignments, essays, and exams, and essential reading lists. Topics include: Marketing and Consumer Culture; Sociology of Popular Culture; McDonaldization; Social Theories of Consumption; Shopping Mall Society; Consumer Culture in Modern Europe; Urban Leisure, Consumption and Culture; International Consumer Policy, and Consumer Behavior. 216 pp., 2002. $16.00 for members and $20.00 for nonmembers. All orders must be prepaid by either check or credit card. Send orders to: ASA Customer Service Department, 1307 New York Ave. NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20005. To order with a Visa or Mastercard, call (202) 383-9005 X389; You may also order with a credit card online at www.asanet.org.

Cultural Studies<->Critical Methodologies, a new interdisciplinary journal by Sage Publications invites manuscript submissions.

CS<->CM is an interdisciplinary quarterly publication drawing from those scholarly traditions in the social sciences and the humanities which are premised on a critical, performance-based cultural studies agenda. Preference is given to experimental, risk-taking manuscripts which are at the intersection of interpretive theory, critical methodology, culture, media, history, biography and social structure.

The journal publishes peer- reviewed research articles, critical analyses of contemporary media representations, autoethnography, poetry, and creative non-fiction. It provides an explicit forum for the intersections of cultural studies, critical interpretive research methodologies, and cultural critique. .

For details on submitting manuscripts, contact Norman K. Denzin, Institute of Communications Research, 228 Gregory Hall 810 South Wright Street, University of Illinois, Urbana, Il 61801-3645; tel: 1-217- 333-0795; fax: 1-217-244-9580 e-mail: n-denzin@uiuc.edu. .

Journal of Consumer Culture (Sage). Editors: George Ritzer, University of Maryland; Don Slater, Goldsmiths College, University of London. The Journal of Consumer Culture is a major new journal designed to support and promote the dynamic expansion in interdisciplinary research on consumption and consumer culture. Global in perspective and drawing on both theory and empirical research, the journal reflects the need to engage critically with modern consumer culture and to understand its central role in contemporary social processes.

Five copies of the manuscript should be submitted, typed, double-spaced on one side of page only. This should be accompanied by a disk with the file in Word or WordPerfect. The length should not normally exceed 8000 words. Each submission will be reviewed anonymously by at least two referees. The Journal uses the Harvard system of referencing with the author's name and date in the text and a full bibliography in alphabetical order at the end of the article.

Contributions should be sent to: George Ritzer, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 USA; email: ritzer@socy.umd.edu; or Don Slater, Department of Sociology, London School of Economics Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE; Tel: +44 (020) 7849 4653; Fax: +44 (020) 7955 7405; d.slater@lse.ac.uk.

Sage Publications Ltd., 6 Bonhill Street, London, EC2A 4PU, UK; email: Subscription@sagepub.co.uk; Tel: +44 (0) 171 330 1266; Fax: +44 (0) 171 374 8741. www.sagepub.co.uk.

Consumption, Markets and Culture (CMC) invites articles on a variety of topics on consumption and markets from different perspectives. We publish theoretical, and empirical papers as well as essays, poems, and photographs that deal with the subject matter critically and thoughtfully. Our editorial review board is comprised of scholars from various social science disciplines, humanities and management. Previous contributors to our journal similarly represent different disciplines. If you have papers that have not been fully developed, you can submit them for informal review and comments so they will not go through an unnecessarily painful review process. Upon receiving our comments, you may submit the completed papers for a more formal review. Interested authors may contact either of us, Editors-in-Chief: Alladi Venkatesh, 3200 Berkeley Place, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697; avenke@uci.edu; A. Fuat Firat, Arizona State University West, School of Management, 4701 West Thunderbird Road, Phoenix, AZ 85069-7100; fuat.firat@asu.edu .
